
Topic Replies Activity
0. Your personal data is you, our personal data is us

TO DO: Expand on the topic. Extended mind, data as labor.

4 October 24, 2019
Fair data society principles

Fair Data represents a stand for a more equal distribution of control and value for everyone involved in data production, exchange and processing, with the individual at the center. It is a holistic approach to handling …

3 October 24, 2019
1. Ownership

All the data related to an individual are part of his/her digital self. Just as organizations can’t own real people they can’t own others’ digital selves. Only individuals can own this data, while organisations can only …

2 October 24, 2019
2. Zero-data

Privacy and non-collection of personal data should be the main defaults in all contexts of high data production volumes. If collection of personal data is absolutely necessary, it should be minimal and only for the scope…

2 October 24, 2019
3. Control

The rights to data created about or by an individual are only his/hers. The individual controls the context in which his/her data is produced & processed and how that context is activated.

2 October 24, 2019
4. Consensual access

Individual’s data can only be accessed on the basis of consent. The further use and sharing of data can also only be done with explicit and informed consent, based on clearly stated purposes of how, why, where and how lo…

2 October 24, 2019
5. Economic benefit & Fair value

Data is a direct product of an individual’s labour and as such has direct economic value. Its owner must be fairly compensated for the use of this value, if the individual chooses to sell his/her data. The amount of comp…

2 October 24, 2019
6. Social good

Organizations minimise personal data exchange on a need-to-know basis and maximise the social good through exchange and monetisation of anonymised data, that can’t be linked back to the individual. They pursue a set of s…

2 October 24, 2019
7. Balanced influence

Organizations allow for the freedom of digital associations inside the organizations’ ecosystems and recognise outside associations. They also recognise these associations as legitimate counterparties when negotiating th…

2 October 24, 2019
8. Transparency & Accountability

Organisations accessing and processing personal data provide clear, understandable and explainable information on how, why, where and how long they use & store it. The individual must understand the risks, as well as so…

2 October 24, 2019
9. Ethics by design

Organisations design their IT systems around an ethical treatment of all personal data; ethics can’t be an afterthought. These systems are privacy-oriented, interoperable, accessible and secure. They provide a pleasant e…

3 October 24, 2019
10. Openness & Interoperability

Open-source should be the ideal pursued in as many instances as possible when releasing new software. Open-source software enhances the security of the code and keeps publishers honest about what their code actually does…

4 October 24, 2019